Monica Cook Milk 2016 video, running time: 9:44 minutes
Monica Cook Milk Tooth 2016 video still
Monica Cook Installation View 2016
Monica Cook Blue 2016 Florida Water bottle, windshield glass, silicone, aqua resin 7.75 x 3 x 2.25 inches
Monica Cook Little Mouth 2016 aqua resin, plastic corn, baby bottle nipple 1.75 x 7 x 8 inches
Monica Cook Milk Installation View
Monica Cook Cobra 2015 stockings, acrylic paint, porcupine quills, baby nasal aspirator, wire, silicone 12 x 8 x 9 inches
Monica Cook Nakeds and Officals 2012 ink on frosted mylar 15 x 66 inches
Monica Cook Phosphene 2014 aqua resin, urethane resin, plaster, steel, acrylic paint, urethane, urine, salt,
barnacles, sea grass, copper, silicone, train modelturf, powder pigment, blood,
bleach, magic sculpt, wax, plastic skeleton, ceramic teeth, silver tooth cap, wire, oil paint, soot, buoy 56 x 84 x 45 inches
MONICA COOK The Crop Duster 2013 mixed media* 78 x 80 x 152 inches
MONICA COOK The Crop Duster (detail) 2013 mixed media* 78 x 80 x 152 inches
MONICA COOK The Tiller 2013 mixed media* 100 x 64 x 198 inches
MONICA COOK The Tiller 2013 mixed media* 100 x 64 x 198 inches
MONICA COOK Installation View with Dreyvus
MONICA COOK Detail view of Oriana
MONICA COOK Oti 2011 color photograph, mounted on aluminum and plexi laminated 26.75 x 40 inches
MONICA COOK Volley 2011 stop-animation video running time: 6:05 minutes
Colorific! We Make An Art Rainbow July 15 - August 19, 2011 installation view