Alessandro Giannì was born in Rome in 1989, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. He has exhibited his
works in several institutions in Italy and abroad including: the American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center
(Washington DC, USA); the residence of the Italian ambassador to the USA "Villa Firenze" (Washington DC, USA); the
MAXXI museum (Rome, Italy); the MACRO museum (Rome, Italy); the Casa delle Armi (Rome, Italy); the Swiss
Institute of Rome (Italy); the Swiss Institute of Milan (Italy); Kühlhaus Berlin (Berlin, Germany); the Winter Museum
(Siena, Italy), the Gardens of the Venice Casino (Venice, Italy). He was the art director for the EGH project by Enrico
Ghezzi and Emiliano Montanari at the 73rd Venice Biennale Cinema - International Film Festival and in 2014 he
took part in the show Ñewpressionism at the Swiss Cultural Institute in Milan, curated by the Greek artist Miltos
Manetas. Recent exhibitions include: Ineffable Worlds, Tang Contemporary Art (Hong Kong) Transfiguration:
leaving reality behind, Postmasters Gallery (New York, USA); Spaziomensa (Rome, Italy); Salon Palermo, Rizzuto Gallery
(Palermo, Italy); Expo Azimut Libera Impresa (Fiera Milano-Rho); Messinscèna, Numero Cromatico (Rome, Italy);
Questa razza di diavoli non conosce regole!, Maker Faire - The European Edition; L'apocalisse dell'ora, AlbumArte
(Rome, Italy).